Microcredential in

Precision Agriculture Tech

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1 Semester
Estimated Time To Complete
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What you'll learn

Gain essential skills needed to bring the power of technology to farming with this Precision Agriculture Tech microcredential! You will learn how to use and integrate key technology tools driven by Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) and put that knowledge to the test in a real-world setting. GNSS are networks of satellites that provide positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) services globally. GNSS can help with farm planning, field mapping, soil testing, finding water sources, even monitoring crop health and growth and livestock movement. Successful completion of this microcredential prepares you for further study and is essential for farm staff considering a transition to precision agriculture.

Microcredential course requirements


Skills covered

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Credits earned in the completion of this microcredential can be applied toward completion of a related certificate or degree program. It is a building block that gives you a jump start to education and career success.




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