Microcredential in

Introduction to Machine Tools

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2 Semesters
Estimated Time To Complete
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What you'll learn

Add to your career options with this Machine Tools microcredentials! Machine tools are essential to all facets of manufacturing and this microcredential is intended to give you essential and transferrable skills. You will understand machining and the role it plays in manufacturing components while gaining essential skills, knowledge and experience that allows you to read and interpret engineering and manufacturing drawings, generate the correct machining process for a basic mechanical component, and manually inspect manufactured components. You will be able to plan and execute basic chip cutting processes using manual lathes and mills to produce manufactured parts from raw materials. You will also gain experience inspecting components and assessing acceptability using micrometers, calipers, gauges, optical comparators, and coordinating measurement machines (CMMs). You will understand the critical importance of safety and hazard mitigation, know terminology and the basics of production and maintenance processes in industry including Industry 4.0 technology and trends. Notably, you will be ready to take the national Certified Production Technician (CPT) certification exam through the Manufacturing Skills Standards Council. Successful completion of this microcredential prepares you for continued study, apprenticeship, and to immediately apply for entry-level positions such as machinist assistant, production technician, quality control inspector, manufacturing technician, or tool and die assistant working under an experienced supervisor.

Microcredential course requirements


Skills covered

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Credits earned in the completion of this microcredential can be applied toward completion of a related certificate or degree program. It is a building block that gives you a jump start to education and career success.




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