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Our Training
Below is a partial list of the topics our officers both receive and teach in academy settings, in-service training for their peers or in community outreach programs.
- Accreditation Assessments (mock)
- Active Shooter
- Armorers: pistol, patrol rifle
- Arrest Processing
- Penal Law Article 35
- Basic Fingerprinting
- Bicycle Patrol
- Biological Evidence Collection
- Breath Analysis Operator
- Citizens Police Academy
- Collapsible Baton
- Communications
- Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)
- CPR/AED/First Aid
- Crash Investigation
- Crime Prevention
- Crime Scene Investigation
- Crisis Intervention Training
- De-escalation
- Defensive Driver
- Defensive Tactics
- Domestic Violence Training
- Drug Recognition
- Drugs that Impair Driving
- Emergency Deployment
- Emotionally Disturbed Persons
- Ethical Awareness
- Emergency Vehicle Operators Course
- Explosive Device Investigations
- Fair and Impartial Policing/Implicit Bias
- Fatal Vision (Anti-DWI)
- FATS Training/Firearms Simulator
- Field Training Officer Program (FTO)
- Firearms Instruction
- General Topics
- ICS-100, -200, -300, -400
- Instructor Development
- Instructor Evaluator
- Interview/Interrogation
- Juvenile Officer
- K-9
- Mental Health Awareness
- National Incident MS
- Naloxone Administration
- NYSPIN/E-Justice
- OC (Pepper Spray) Instructor
- OC Training
- Operation ID
- Patrol Rifle
- Physical Training Instructor
- Police Supervision Course
- Policy Development
- Principled Policing
- Procedural Justice
- Rape Aggression Defense (RAD)
- RAD Kids
- RAD for Men
- Reality Based Scenario Training
- Report Writing
- Ride-Along Programs
- Safety Presentations
- Security Guard Training
- Self-Defense
- Sexual Assault Investigations
- Standardized Field Sobriety Tests
- Stop and Frisk
- Suicide Bomb: Prevention and Response
- Taking Statements
- Tasers
- Terrorist Bomb Incident
- The Law and You
- Undercover Operations
- UPD 101
- Use of Force
- Violence Against Women
- Violence in the Workplace
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