Emergency Notifications Responsible Office:
Procedure Title:
Emergency Notification Protocol Requirements Document Number:
5608 Effective Date: April 30, 2014 This procedure item applies to: Community Colleges State-Operated Campuses |
The following establishes communication protocol from the campuses to System Administration during emergency situations. Consistent with current practice, campus officials are required to promptly inform the Chancellor of the State University of New York when a major unplanned event occurs on or near a campus that could have a significant adverse impact on the campus community, campus property, or other component of the State University of New York.
To streamline notifications, campuses are to inform the Chancellor and other key System Administration offices of such an event by sending an email to Mail sent to this address will be routed to a number of offices at System Administration, including Communication and Government Relations, University Police, Provost and Student Affairs, Construction Fund, Capital Facilities, and Environmental Health and Safety. The Communications Office will notify the Chancellor. Additional notifications and direct contact with specific offices may be appropriate as circumstances dictate and permit.
Types of Reportable Events:
Campuses should exercise sound judgment in determining which specific events require notification to System Administration. Reportable potential adverse events could be related to the campus community, which includes students, faculty, staff and their families; as well as those that impact the physical infrastructure or environment; or involve financial, legal, or reputational concerns. In all cases, campuses should take immediate action to address the event. Events which would trigger notification often concern health and safety or public safety matters and include, but are not limited to:
The campus notification should include information such as the type of emergency, when and where it occurred, affected areas and closed facilities, campus actions and instructions, name and contact information for the campus official who can provide additional information and any assistance requested by the campus. The notification should be a brief summary of the event. It is understood that not all details will necessarily be accurate in the initial notification and additional updates may be necessary.
Additional Potential Notifications:
In addition to notifying the Chancellor’s Office, construction-related emergencies or capital emergencies at State-Operated facilities require a separate notification to the State University Construction Fund (SUCF) for non residential buildings and to the SUNY Office for Capital Facilities (OCF) for residential buildings. These offices will assist with preparing Emergency Declarations, financing for repairs, and seeking assistance from the Office of General Services for emergency services.
For SUCF information on Emergency Capital Procurement Procedure:\
For SUNY Office for Capital Facilities emergency information:
Construction-related emergencies and personal injury emergencies at State-Operated Institution Residential Facilities also require notification to the Dormitory Authority of the State of New York (DASNY) Insurance and Risk Management group.
Some events (e.g., fires, work related fatalities, and chemical spills) additionally require notification to external regulatory bodies. See the Appendix for examples of additional reporting requirements. Please note: Nothing in this policy supersedes or negates the obligations placed on a campus under the timely warning and emergency notification provisions of the Higher Education Act (Clery Act) or any other laws or regulations.
There are no forms relevant to this procedure.
Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Reporting - Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Reporting (Clery Act - also known
as the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics
Emergency Response Plan Requirements
Rules for the Maintenance of Public Order
SUNY Website, Emergency Information, part of the SUNY System Administration Capital Facilities website.
SUNY Website, Emergency Preparedness Resources, part of the SUNY System Administration Capital Facilities website.
SUNY Website, SUNY Health Alerts.
Memorandum to Campus Presidents from Vice Chancellor Haelen, dated April 30, 2014
For non confidential matters, the procedure supersedes the Emergency Procedure put forth by John O’Connor in a June 1, 2009 Memorandum to Presidents of State-Operated and Community Colleges.
Appendix A: Common Required Notifications - Common Required Notifications
Appendix B: Campus Declaration of Emergency - Impairment of Facilities - Campus Declaration of Emergency - Impairment of Facilities