![]() Category:
Academic Affairs Affiliated Programs Community Colleges Facility Management / Safety Financial Legal and Compliance Research Responsible Office:
Policy Title:
START-UP NY Program Participation Policy Document Number:
6800 Effective Date:
February 10, 2014
This policy item applies to:
Community Colleges
State-Operated Campuses |
START-UP NY is a state economic development program that positions SUNY campuses as magnets for entrepreneurs and businesses from around the globe. START-UP NY aligns with SUNY's mission of teaching, research and public service; enabling engagement with industry, knowledge acceleration, translation of research into practical applications, and delivering the 21st century workforce businesses need to grow and thrive. START-UP NY will transform university communities to deliver unprecedented economic benefits to New York. To participate in the program, all campuses must comply with this policy and any applicable rules and regulations issued by the NYS Commissioner of Economic Development.
This policy governs the review process that all participating campuses must follow to secure SUNY's approval and/or review of the plans, applications, and other documents required by the NYS Commissioner of Economic Development to participate in the START-UP NY program. It also prescribes special requirements for the disclosure and management of actual or potential conflicts of interest in matters pertaining to the campus' START-UP NY program. Any conflict between this policy and any other applicable Conflict of Interest policy shall be resolved in favor of disclosure of any potential, actual, or perceived conflict of interest relating to the campus' START-UP NY program to the President or Chief Executive Officer of the sponsoring campus.
Business Interest means that an individual (1) owns or controls 10% or more of the stock of an entity (or 1% in the case of an entity the stock of which is regularly traded on an established securities exchange); or (2) serves as an officer, director or partner of an entity.
Official means an employee at the level of dean and above as well as any other person with decision-making authority over a campus' START-UP NY Program, including any member of any panel or committee that recommends businesses for acceptance into the START-UP NY program.
Relative means any person living in the same household as another individual and any person who is a direct descendant of that individual's grandparents or the spouse of such descendant.
Sponsoring College or University means any entity defined or described in NYS Education Law Sec. 352 and Article 126.
START-UP NY Program means the SUNY Tax-free Areas to Revitalize and Transform Upstate New York Program established by Article 21 of the Economic Development Law.
Tax-Free NY Area means vacant land or space designated by the Commissioner of Economic Development Article 21 of the Economic Development Law that is eligible to receive benefits under the START-UP NY program.
Start-Up NY Regulations: available at the Start-Up NY Website.
At least thirty days before submitting the Campus Plan to the Commissioner of Economic Development the campus must provide a copy of the Plan to the chief executive officer of the municipality or municipalities in which the proposed Tax-free NY Area is located, local economic development entities, the applicable university or college faculty senate, union representatives and the campus student government. The campus shall include in their submission to the Commissioner of Economic Development certification of such notification, as well as a copy of any written response from chief executive officer of the municipality or municipalities in which the proposed Tax-free NY Area is located, local economic development entities, the applicable campus or college faculty senate, union representatives and the campus student government.
StartUp-NY.gov website and program information.
SUNY START-UP NY Campus Plan for Designation of Tax-Free Area(s) Memorandum
SUNY START-UP NY Campus Plan for Designation of Tax-Free Area(s) Template
ESD START-UP NY Sponsoring University or College Application for Business Participation
ESD START-UP NY Business Application Instructions
ESD START-UP Business Application
Enacted into law in June 2013, START-UP NY is a groundbreaking new initiative from Governor Andrew M. Cuomo that provides major incentives for businesses to relocate, start up or significantly expand in New York State through affiliations with public and private universities, colleges and community colleges. Businesses will have the opportunity to operate state and local tax-free on or near academic campuses, and their employees will pay no state or local personal income taxes.
There are no appendices relevant to this policy.