Student takes notes in front of desktop monitor with teacher watching behind him.
Apprenticeships for SUNY Colleges

How SUNY colleges support apprenticeships

Any SUNY college can apply for funds from the SUNY Apprenticeship Program (SAP) grant. State-operated campuses must coordinate with community colleges in their region. Only SUNY community colleges may access funding from the New York College Apprenticeship Network (NYCAN).

Funding may be accessed for:

  • Industry Roundtables - Robust and targeted outreach through industry roundtables will provide accurate information to employers interested in apprenticeship. Colleges can explain their role in providing Related Instruction training and NYSDOL outlines what is involved with developing a Registered Apprenticeship program.
  • Pre-Apprenticeship - Pre-Apprenticeship training can be an important part of Registered Apprenticeship and provides potential apprentices with necessary skills to thrive in and complete their apprenticeship. Examples of training includes basic blueprint reading, computer skills and introduction to manufacturing.
  • Related Instruction - Registered Apprentices require a minimum of 144 hours of Related Instruction per year in addition to on-the-job training. Many employers partner with SUNY colleges for this instruction. Campuses may apply for funds to cover the cost of Registered Apprentices completing training that meets the Related Instruction requirements.
  • Curriculum Development- Generally a three-credit course will be approved for 72 hours of Related Instruction. Funding is available for both new course creation and course revision that meets requirements for Related Instruction. For any curriculum development or revisions covered by the SUNY Apprenticeship Program the funded campus must agree to share the curriculum with other SUNY institutions.
  • Hybrid and Competency-Based Assessment Development and Administration  - Some employers interested in sponsoring Registered Apprenticeship programs are looking beyond the traditional time-based program, where apprentices spend a certain number of hours becoming competent in the particular tasks detailed in the training outline, in favor of competency and hybrid programs. Regulations require that sponsors develop both hands-on and written assessments to measure the competency of the apprentices and ensure that they have mastered the skills outlined in the work process. Funding is available to both develop and administer the assessment. For any assessment created through the SUNY Apprenticeship Program the funded campus must agree to share the curriculum with other SUNY institutions.

More info:

Frequently Asked Questions on Apprenticeship Programs by Colleges

Apprentice Titles Supported By SUNY Campuses

College Funding Process

Marketing Materials
Outside Links
Apprenticeship Program